Dyebrick Maxi-Pack
Each Maxi-Pack produces the equivalent of 5 Brick Tinting Kits.
Please ensure that you have chosen your correct dilution level to match your original mix proportions when you carried out your sample test area.
For example: If you used the sample pot as received and did not dilute it, then you would choose '1 x Fixer'. If you diluted with an equal amount of water then your would choose '2 x Fixers'. etc..
Our products are shipped at a zero rate for destinations outside the European Union. However, by law, you will be liable for Duties and Tax charged at your Country's rate.
Dyebrick is a consumer product and is not for trade use.
Companies wishing to source trade products should visit our wholesale page.
Dyebrick Maxi-Pack
Each Maxi-Pack produces the equivalent of 5 Brick Tinting Kits.
Please ensure that you have cosen your correct dilution level to match your original mix proportions when you carried out your sample test area.
Our products are shipped at a zero rate for destinations outside the European Union. However, by law, you will be liable for Duties and Tax charged at your Country's rate.
Dyebrick is a consumer product and is not for trade use.
Companies wishing to source trade products should visit our wholesale page.